Forrestania Resources (ASX:FRS) has revealed “highly significant gold results” confirming highly prospective gold exploration potential for the Ada Ann and Bonnie Vale North projects within the Eastern Goldfields.
- Forrestania Resources has completed multiple field and site visits to the Ada Ann and Bonnie Vale North prospects
- The Ada Ann prospect appears to be a high grade, mineralised gold target with mineralisation open along strike to the north, to the south and at depth
- The Company is currently working on heritage agreements and intends to progress the field work and historic database compilation before a maiden drilling programme to test the extension and depth potential at Ada Ann
Forrestania Resources’ Chairman John Hannaford commented:
“The Company is very encouraged by these highly significant gold results after a more thorough review of previous work at Ada Ann and follow up site visits, confirming a second prospective zone with high grade grab samples from historic drilling spoils. The developing gold story at this project can be quickly advanced to a potentially valuable asset for the Company given the very favourable location nearby of several active mills and excellent logistics, with a haul road immediately adjacent to the project area.”