Magnetic Resources (ASX:MAU): Developing high grade gold in WA’s goldfields
Kingston Resources (ASX:KSN): Growing gold production in the historic Cobar basin of New South Wales
EBR Systems Inc (ASX:EBR): Developing the world’s only leadless pacemaker for heart failure
Mount Hope Mining (ASX:MHM) ASX IPO: High quality copper and gold exploration assets in NSW
Nickel Industries (ASX:NIC): Producing nickel for the stainless steel industry & EV supply chain
Optiscan Imaging (ASX:OIL): MedTech bridging the gap between surgery & pathology
PolyNovo (ASX:PNV): Growing global sales on the back of medical device innovation
Praemium (ASX:PPS): Providing services to meet demands of high net wealth clients
Magnetic Resources (ASX:MAU): Targeting increased gold resource at Lady Julie Project
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