Noxopharm (ASX:NOX) has announced encouraging new data regarding its CRO-67 preclinical drug for pancreatic cancer. CRO-67 targets pancreatic cancer in a different and innovative way. The latter cancer is especially difficult to treat because tumours are surrounded by a dense barrier of cells that protects them from anti-cancer drugs, as well as from the body’s immune system. CRO-67 acts as a novel dual-cell therapy, destroying both tumour and barrier cells.
- Significantly reduced pancreatic tumours and barrier cells in complex model
- Metastatic cancer spread significantly decreased
- Safe and well tolerated pre-clinically
Noxopharm CEO Dr Gisela Mautner said: “We are very pleased with the outcome of these studies as they show that CRO-67 continues to have a dual-cell therapy effect in a variety of pancreatic cancer models, including this complex model where the bar is set much higher. This data will be used to inform the next steps of our project and will also be important in
future regulatory contexts.”