Mamba Exploration (ASX:M24) commences inaugural drill program at Canary Uranium Project
- Drilling commenced at Canary Uranium Project, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada on May 8th, 2024.
- The Project is situated in the Mudjatik geological domain where several recent discoveries have been made.
- Approximately 1,000-1,500 metres are planned across 3-4 drill holes, targeting shallow high-grade unconformity-related uranium mineralisation.
- Drill plans comprise helicopter-supported diamond drilling focused on high-priority unconformity-related robust and shallow drill uranium targets refined by geophysical work completed by Standard Uranium in 2022.
- Ideal unconformity and basement target zones on the Project lie within approximately 200-350 metres below surface.
- One diamond drill hole will focus on the highest-priority target area along the northern electromagnetic corridor, investigating a significant resistivity anomaly coincident with modelled VTEM conductors for the first time.