HITIQ Limited (ASX:HIQ) has received a second US Patent relating to an innovative design feature for its Nexus™ technology. The US Patent and Trademark Office has issued a Notice of Allowance for HITIQ’s patent application US 17/427,869 “Instrumented mouthguard devices and components configured for use in instrumented mouthguard devices “, meaning that the Company expects to be formally awarded its second US Patent in the coming months.
- US Patent Application US 17/427,869 approved
- Intellectual property (IP) portfolio bolstered by second US Patent
- Flexible printed circuit board (PCB) design to ensure a “one size fits all” functionality.
Commenting on the Patent, HITIQ Chief Executive, Mike Vegar, said: “A key part of HITIQ’s patent strategy, including in relation to this Patent, is to seek coverage over technologies which allow for instrumented mouthguard technology to transition from bespoke research tools, and into commercial use devices for sports participants at all levels. This IP goes a long way to ensuring functionality, comfort and manufacturing efficiency across all of the targeted product markets.”