Santana Minerals Limited (ASX:SMI) is a precious metal explorer, focusing on the Bendigo-Ophir Project in New Zealand. The company’s vision is to develop the Bendigo-Ophir project into a world class, long life, environmentally sustainable mining project that will bring generational employment and prosperity to the Bendigo Region. Santana Minerals (ASX:SMI) CEO Damian Spring joins The Stock Network’s Lel Smits.
1. Bendigo-Ophir Project
Damian, you’ve had a number of roles in the precious metals sectors across New Zealand, Australia and Argentina. What attracted you to the Bendigo-Ophir Project?
2. Catalysts
Santana Minerals has had a lot of exploration success and project development studies are currently underway at the Bendigo-Ophir Project. What are your near term catalysts?
3. Outlook
What are your long term goals for the Bendigo-Ophir Project and how are you looking to position Santana Minerals as a mining company?