Haranga Resources (ASX:HAR; FRA:65E0) reports that the auger drilling efforts at the Sanela prospect have provided encouraging results, reinforcing the prospect’s discovery potential for uranium mineralisation.
- Continued auger drilling success at Sanela: 91 new auger holes (161 holes in total-Annex 1) were drilled and assayed at the Sanela prospect as part of the ongoing exploration strategy – 140 holes have encountered uranium anomalism
- Significant anomalism identified: Building on the success of the recent RC drilling campaign, auger drilling has targeted the major termite mound uranium anomaly (pXRF) in the northernmost part of Sanela, reaching saprolite beneath the colluvial laterite and confirming high uranium anomalism
- High uranium values: Of the 91 holes drilled, 29 recorded significant uranium pXRF readings in saprolite samples, with concentrations ranging from 14ppm to 81ppm uranium
- Strategic drilling focus: The auger drilling campaign is designed to trace the contact between Saraya granite, associated graphic pegmatites, and sheared sediments, following up on termite mound anomalism highlighted during earlier infill sampling
- Previous RC drilling success: Recent RC drilling results at Sanela, included significant finds such as 8 m @ 351 ppm eU3O8 from 35 m depth in hole 24-SAR- RC-019, including a high-grade section of 3 m @ 583 ppm eU3O8 from 40 m
- Discovery potential: The significant termite mound anomalism, high uranium concentrations (pXRF) in augered saprolite and confirmation of mineralisation from RC drilling are all indicating the potential that Sanela could lead to a new discovery
- Ongoing work: RC drill assays, metallurgical results and a JORC classification upgrade to the mineral resource is expected in May. Following receipt of RC drill assays, an expected resource upgrade is expected by the end of June. Auger drilling, termite mound regional and infill sampling remain on-going.
Mr. Peter Batten, Managing Director, commented on the progress: “These positive results are a further indication of the immense prospectivity of the Saraya permit for uranium mineralisation. The auger program is proving its viability, locating uranium anomalous weathered bedrock below the blanketing laterite within the wider surface expression provided by our hard-working insects – the termites.”