FBR Limited (ASX:FBR) designs, develops and builds dynamically stabilised robots. These robots are designed to work outdoors and use the Company’s proprietary core Dynamic Stabilisation Technology® platform, or DST® for short. The first application of DST® is Hadrian X®, a bricklaying robot that builds structural walls faster, safer, more accurately and with less wastage than traditional manual methods. Hadrian X® incorporates Wall as a Service®, FBR’s unique commercial offering, which gives clients access to the multiple benefits of robotic construction without having to build robotics capability into their operations. Joining The Stock Network’s Lel Smits ahead of appearing at Australian Equities Day in Singapore is FBR Managing Director & CEO Mike Pivac.
1 First application of the DST platform
FBR’s robotic brick-laying construction technology is based on its proprietary core Dynamic Stabilisation Technology® – within next-gen Hadrian X® structural wall bricklaying robot. What are the highlights of what Hadrian has been up to?
2. Potential deliverables from US demonstration (Possible JV)
Hadrian X® as you mention is now in the US, where it will be demonstrated by your US partner. What are you focused on in the US and when will you start to see some significant revenues come through?
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